Happy New Year!
The big news on the farm right now is the construction of a new farm store. It’s a pole barn, a portion of which will be finished to sell and store meat. It’s a pretty exciting project and one that’s been on the wish list for years. The new store will be up the road a bit from the old one. It’s off the main road but is still convenient to get to with much better parking. We hope to be moved in by April 1. As you can see, the barn is up and the concrete floor got poured today. Next on the list is insulation and electrical.

The main flock of ewes is still out grazing. We have been lucky that there hasn’t been much snow. It has been easy for the ewes to continue grazing even though there isn’t much stockpiled pasture due to the dry fall.

A few weeks ago we weaned the calves from their mothers. This gives the mothers a break and allows us to give the calves higher quality feed over the winter. They are in a very sheltered location with some woods to protect them when the wind blows. It’s much better than being in a barn.

Thanks for reading,
Leith MacKenzie